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Lifting handles: One of the challenges that EMS professionals face is the transporting patients up and down stairs. This can be particularly challenging if the stairway is narrow and does not allow first responders to lift from the side of the patient. These handles provide the necessary lifting points to lift from head and foot while tying into the lifting

system making difficult stairway

navigation a more simple task.

Lifting handles: Often, when responding to an EMS call the ambulance gurney cannot reach to or transport from the patient location. This means that some other tool must be used to get the patient to the gurney in a safe and effective manner. Unlike other patient handling devices SecurLyft has been engineered by EMS professionals with 42 different lifting handles providing an ideal lifting grip for

every situation. Each handle is

tied back into the system

that gives the best support for

an injured patient. 

Transfer handles: These handles are designed to assist in patient transfers. One of the leading causes of injury to the lower back are poor ergonomics and for healthcare providers the patient transfer is one of the worst offenders because of the body position generally required to perform this task. A worker must reach over the hospital bed and then pull

the patient to him/herself. This body

extension is what leads to the poor

ergonomics. With SecurLyfts'

transfer handles the overexertion is

eliminated providing excellent

ergonomics for transfers. 

Main Body: The main body of the SecurLyft is made with military grade material and reinforced by 4,000 pound test webbing. Because of  this SecurLyft has a weight rating of 1,100 pounds. Considering most gurneys are only rated to lift 600-800lbs

there is more then enough lifting capacity

to handle larger patients, furthermore,

with strategically engineered handle

placement you can manage both

large and small patients with

this product.  

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